Friday, August 22, 2008

Sleepwalking like a pro!!!

Lately, Kaylin has been feeling just a bit under the weather. It always happens when I get a little bit busy too. I was doing the Grant Thorton Footsteps Experience. That 3 day event was a real introduction to the company and helped a few of us college students see what was available in the future. It went 3 days and consisted of some dinners and such too.

Anyway, Kaylin couldn't go to sleep very well, so I held her in the bean bag. Those of you who have been to our house know that the bean bag is down stairs. Well, I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up in the bed next to my wife. I asked Lori where the baby was in the first few minutes. I guess I sleptwalked by carrying the baby there. That would have consisted of getting out of the bag, openning the baby gate, walking two small flights of stairs, putting her in the crib, and getting in bed next to my wife with no tripping or loud sounds.

It's a mystery I can't explain.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Greatest Swim Race Ever!!!

Many of you probably saw the Men's 4X100 Meter Relay on Sunday Night. I felt as if this was the greatest Race I have seen. When America came back to win it in the last couple meters, I shouted so loud. I'm surprised the baby didn't wake up. That showed lots of heart, and American Pride. This will be one of the greatest Olympic moments That I'll Remember for sure.

In case you missed it, here's a link to the NBC broadcast. It's Fabulous.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Office All Nighter

Tyler Speaking. You know how people can't put down a good book. I dont read to many books, so putting down a good TV Show was hard for me. Thursday, I went to buy The Office, Season 3 around 10PM at Target, along with some Strawberry Milk. That Milk must of had some strong caffine or something because I almost watched the whole season all night. Around 6:30AM, I decided to take a small 2 hour nap and watch a bit more episodes before getting to work at my usual start time of 11:00 AM. The next night was some good sleeping to say the least.