Sunday, June 21, 2009


So there are no pictures this time, but I had to post something regarding our baby. So my countdown ticker is officially wrong now. We didn't have the baby yesterday, but I guess the ticker isn't built to handle the possiblity that you are overdue. I thought it was pretty funny, so I am going to leave the ticker up today just for fun. It will be gone tomorrow.


Jules Westlake said...

Overdue - what?! That is not allowed. Stressful. I guess he is making up for Kaylin coming so early, good news is he can't be a month late. :)
Well there is always drinking caster oil (ick) if you are brave enough, of course you will start labor out with a bit of an unpleasant couple hours of going to the bathroom but hey labor usually starts...and it only costs $2.50 for that induction! I do know 3 people who have done this...although it is not for everyone.
Hopefully I can send you some more labor vibes...."go into labor...go into labor."

Jen said...

I was only 3 days over due, but ti was torture- Good Luck!
Hopefully not too much longer:)

Riley Family Blog said...

SO Exciting!!! We can't wait meet your little one. Hopefully he won't make you wait too much longer!