Saturday, October 18, 2008


TyLer, KAylin, and I went to the State Fair yesterday with Tyler's Dad.

KaYliN had fun feeding the aNiMaLs at the Petting Zoo.

KaYLin was a little scared, but she and DaDdy made it down the Big SLide safely.

Here she is in the KId ZoNe. She had a blast riding that kid bike. I had to help at times so she didn't get run over by the older kids.

On DadDy's shoulders waiting for the "HuMaN SpEeD BuMp" demonstration. The guy doing it was trying to break his record by being run over by 8 trucks. He broke his record, but also got injured. The trucks were supposed to run over his stomach and the last one ran over his legs. They had to take him to the hospital.

We also saw the FiGUre 8 RaCIng in the Grandstand. KAYlin wasn't even scared by all the noise.

All TiRed OUt!

It's GAUDY day!

As some of you know, my work likes to celebrate strange
"holidays." Friday, was 'Wear Something Gaudy Day.' So here I am with my over the top hair, lots of jewelry and mismatched clothes.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy 18 Months

These are our most recent pictures of our daughter, Kaylin. She was 18 mths in September.