Monday, July 7, 2008

Swim, Swim, Swim

Kaylin and I have been doing Mom/Tot swim lessons on Saturdays this summer. I finally convinced Tyler to come this last time so that I could get some pictures. Kaylin can get crabby at lessons, but she didn't fuss as much this last time. So far she has learned to put her head under water, float on her back (with her legs in the air much of the time) and move from back to tummy and vice versa. She can hold onto the side by herself and can climb out of the pool using the stairs (and a little assistance). She hasn't quite got the hang of blowing bubbles and kicking her arms and legs yet, but I'm sure she'll manage it later on.


Unknown said...

She looks so much happier in this picture than how you described it was. I am so glad that she is starting to get used to swim lessons. It sounds like you all had a fun fourth without me :(

We will have to get together again soon.

The Websters said...

Thanks for finding us and saying Hi! Your daughter is going to be a pro swimmer!

Lisa Marie said...

Monday night, 6pm. Bring your swimming suits (if you want) and a FHE lesson/thought. Hope that works! If not, make a comment. I check often. :) Oh, and we've got lots of toys here so you don't have to bring anything extra for your little cutie pie.

CF Is Not Forever said...

I love the swim pictures I am so glad you finally got some of you and her at the lessons! With those glasses on she looks to cool for school!